What are the key points in Pakistan’s three policy document and how do they impact your work as a teacher?

The key point in the Pakistan’s three policy documents are as follow.

Ø The first point is to provide strengthening teacher education in Pakistan with the collaboration of ministry of education and United Nations educational scientific and cultural organization.
Ø ICT must be used to provide high quality education through high quality teaching and also help to support in higher educational activities.
Ø The national professional standard for teacher has made to provide the world class educational system from preprimary to post graduate levels in Pakistan.
Ø The main purpose of these document to spread education in both rural and urban areas through technologies.
Ø ICT can be used for promote student awareness and social responsibility.
Ø In Pakistan special short term courses should design for the purpose of developing communication skills ‘critical thinking ‘developing confidence ‘and for language skills for rural areas.
Ø ICT can help the student as well as teacher to be a part of global competency.

As a teacher the given policies impact my work in this way that I can use many updated technologies to stay updated because if myself as a teacher is updated the next generation will automatically updated. It can impact by doing short terms courses to establish the communication power in any gathering. And also to develop language skill to do teaching in rural a teacher I support myself as well as my students to be a part of global a teacher it’s my responsibility to provide a high class education for all students.
Read through the tree document carefully (the NICT strategy for education, NEP, and NPSTP) all the document in their own way spell out a vision for teaching and learning. What is that vision? How will teaching change through your vision?

Ø The vision of these 3 document is to improve the educational system of Pakistan with the help of teacher, technologies, ICT, and provided standard for teachers.
Ø And also to improve the learning environment for students.
Ø The main purpose is to update the school as well as administration.
Ø Use updated material to motivate the student toward learning.
Ø Use white digital board instead of chalk.
Ø Use different colorful charts and also use the multimedia projector for giving and taking presentations.
Ø Manage the classroom structure.
These all things included in my vision and I am 100% sure that these type of changes can change and modify our Pakistan’s educational system.

How can the use of technology support improved teaching and learning in Pakistan?

Many countries around the world is using possible technologies to accessible the education to all the children and adult student with their special needs as well as overcome the distance barrier. Technological education can work from all over the Pakistan if Pakistan allow itself to explore all the possible affordable and efficient way to increasing access to high quality education using ICT and any other combination of tools. Technology can improve the quality of teaching as well as learning by supporting and reinforcing the use of innovative teaching practice for teachers in Pakistan .Technologies can support the Pakistani’s educators to create their critical thinking as well as analytical thinking. The student of Pakistan required a sector where they can motivate. The communicative technical tools provide them a platform to motivate their self toward learning and education.
In Pakistan the student is willing to learn through updated way like they want to grow with the help of technologies, gadgets and other technological and communicative way .The student of Pakistan wants to learn with all over the provides a chance to explore, investigate, reflect, learn social skills (such as collaboration, logical reasoning and creative expression) and also enhance self-esteem.

Technology can improve and enhance learning as well as teaching in Pakistan …..

v Support students in becoming technically literate.
v Student should know how to use available technology to create, find, present and communicate information.
v By the help of technology student can be able to create and consumed the information rather than just user of technology.
v Technology literate the learner as well as teacher to search information strategically using a range of complex search strategies.
v IT and ICT extend beyond knowledge and skills to include values and attitude about knowledge and how it is use and share.
v  Technology allow the student to using the higher order cognitive skills of analyzing and evaluation, and making judgment about its relative values and reliability.
v Technology help the teachers to manage learning and resources.
v It give the chance to student become a teacher centered to student centered.
v ICT give the potential to transform the schooling experiences of children who living in rural and remote areas in Pakistan.
v Technology built the interest toward learning through audio and visual aids.
v Access to the internet and communication technologies helps develops student global awareness.


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