Woman in Discussing A Lesson Plan

 Lesson Plan

Subject: Science                                                                                       Topic: water pollution

Grade: 6                                                                                                    Time: 70 minutes


         ·            Define water pollution. (Knowledge).

         ·            Describe the effect of pollution on living organisms.(knowledge)

         ·            Give their own ideas to reduce water pollution.(skill)

         ·            Predict the causes of water pollution.(skill).

         ·            Work collaboratively while exploring and investigating. (Attitude).

         ·            Demonstrate way of using material and tools to help science questions and investigate the practical problems.

Teaching Aids:

  • Empty cardboard egg carton
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Flaxseed meal or another powdery substance
  • Paper towels
  • Tray to place under the egg carton.

Teaching method.

·         Demonstration method.

Procedure: .

Initiating Activity:                                          (5 minutes)

Teacher initiate the topic by asking riddle to the students. The riddle is given below.

v  Wash it and it isn't clean. Don't wash it and then it's clean. What I Am?

The answer of this riddle is water.                                                                     

Development:                                                  (35 minutes)

Teacher introduce the topic “water pollution” after initial activity and then  teacher will explain the term pollution and different kind of pollution and teacher bring the student to the topic “water pollution”. After that teacher ask the student to make a que for going in science lab for experimentation and before going to the lab teacher instruct the student to follow the given safety precautions.

Ø  Stay calm and listen carefully.

Ø  Do not eat and drink in lab.

Ø  Do not touch, taste or smell any chemical.

Ø  Distance should be maintaining with the classmates.

Ø  Always wash your hands after handling lab material.

Ø  Keep your work area clean.

Ø  Be around your working table.

Ø  Do not disturb anybody during experimentation.

After this the student’s que will go in the science lab. After that teacher start the demonstration related to water pollution first.


After that teacher would explain the student that how pollution spread through water by the material required for this experiment is given above. First teacher bring the student to the counter where material place and then teacher start the experiment by  Fold up a few paper towels and set them on the tray with the egg carton on top.

 Now Begin pouring water into one of the cups at one end of the egg carton and watch as the water flows from cup to cup. Stop pouring once each egg cup is full.


Pour about 1 teaspoon of flax meal (ground flax seeds) into one of the end cups. Watch as the water carries it from cup to cup.

Starting in a cup at the opposite end of the carton, add about 10 drops of food coloring. Give the cup with the food coloring a slight stir if you need to and watch as it slowly flows into the cups around it.

Teacher leave the experiment out for an hour or two and you should start to notice water (and food coloring!) seeping out of the bottom of the egg carton and soaking the paper towels under the carton.

After leaving the egg carton for a while, the water and pollution (food coloring) started to seep out through the bottom and onto the paper towels. This is an example of how pollution that goes into a body of water can travel further into the ground and pollute areas around a stream or lake as well. This is called groundwater. When groundwater becomes polluted, it can harm plants whose roots soak up the groundwater!

Recapitulation:                                           (10 minutes)

Teacher will recap the whole topic by lecture method and providing worksheet to find out the water pollutant around their selves and discus the effect of water pollution in living organism.

Evaluation:                                                     (20 minutes)

  Teacher evaluate the students by providing worksheet based on questions related to water pollution.

1.       What is pollution?

2.       What is pollutant?

3.       Describe water pollution in your own words.

4.       Predict the causes of water pollution.

5.       Explain the effect of water pollution on living organisms.

6.       How can we reduce water pollution?

7.       Do you have any experimentation ideas to show the water pollution ?if yes then write shortly.





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