A Motivational Story 2020

A Motivational Story 2020

The eagle is the longest-lived bird of its species. He lives up to 70 years. But to reach that age, you will have to make a serious and difficult decision in the middle of your life.

At 40, her nails are tight and flexible. The eagle cannot take its prey from which it feeds, therefore it has no strength to survive.

Its long, pointed beak curves so that it reaches your chest. Its wings are aged and heavy, now its feathers are thick. So flying has become difficult and tiring.

So the eagle has only two alternatives: to die or face its painful process of renewal that lasts 150 days. This process consists of flying to the top of the mountain and settling in a nest near a wall, where you do not have the need to fly. Already installed in its new temporary home, the eagle begins to hit its beak against the wall until it can be ripped off. After suffering this terrible pain, you will wait for the growth of your new beak only to be able to tear off your soft and useless nails one by one. Once these grow, it will start plucking its old, heavy plumage.

After five long months of pain, hunger and transformation, he leaves the nest to face the famous flight of renewal that will give him 30 more years of life.

Finally, the eagle is a renewed being, who was willing to pain, hunger, cold, only with the conviction of living a new life. I compare this legendary being with the life of human beings. In our life many times we have to protect ourselves for some time and begin a process of renewal. To start our flight to success we must be willing to pay the price, many times it comes with pain, hunger, despair and fear. These reasons make most of them not want to make a change in their life. These people are not living, they are just surviving.
We must let go of everything that is no longer useful in our life, this includes habits, customs, thoughts, actions and memories of the past.
Only free from the weight of our past can we take advantage of the valuable result that renewal brings to our lives. You are an invincible eagle, capable of facing pain and overcoming adversity. The world needs you and you will get it if you are willing to change. Let go of your new wings and take flight to your new life.


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